
Clark County School District is committed to providing a safe, secure, and respectful learning environment for all students and employees at all District facilities, school buildings, in school buses, on school grounds, and at school-sponsored activities. The school district strives to address bullying and cyberbullying so that there is no disruption to the learning environment and learning process.
It is the policy of the Clark County School District to encourage students who are subjected to witness, or overhear incidents of bullying and cyberbullying, to report such incidents. Parents/students should report any incident(s) of bullying or cyberbullying to a teacher, counselor, or a school administrator. Parents/students are encouraged to report knowledge of bullying and/or cyberbullying via the SafeVoice Nevada website which allows individuals to anonymously report unlawful activities.
Please see the links below for more information regarding Bullying and Cyberbullying.
Bullying & Cyberbullying Brochure (English / Spanish)
Bullying Resources (English / Spanish)
Report Bullying - SafeVoice